UNTOLD: Programul și Biletele de O Zi

UNTOLD: Programul și Biletele de O Zi

Postat pe 22 Jan 2024

Update cu 9 luni în urmă

Timp de citire: 4 minute

Articol scris de: Ion Ionescu

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Joi, 3 august, fans of UNTOLD will have two new premieres for a festival in Romania: Ava Max and Bebe Rexha, alongside Alok, KSHMR, Steve Aoki, and Topic. On Friday, August 4, IMAGINE DRAGONS will take the stage at UNTOLD's mainstage. Friday, August 4 will be another day full of magic for festival fans, with one of the most beautiful surprises offered by the creators of UNTOLD, the alternative rock band Imagine Dragons. The mainstage line-up will also include Alesso, Salvatore Ganacci, and Tujamo. On Saturday, August 5, the world's number one DJ, Martin Garrix, and one of the most innovative artists, Swedish Eric Prydz, will be part of the stellar line-up for the 8th edition of the UNTOLD festival. The two are the headliners of Saturday, along with French Montana, Thievery Corporation, Zhu, and WizTheMc. SEE THE SPECIAL SHOW PRESENTED BY ARMIN VAN BUUREN FOR UNTOLD Sunday, August 6, the last day of the journey through the UNTOLD universe, will offer fans the excitement of returning to the festival's mainstage by one of the most beloved artists, Armin van Buuren. David Guetta, the DJ who has dominated the dance culture in recent years, returns to the mainstage of the UNTOLD festival. Ferg, Years & Years, and Fedde le Grand are the names that complete the line-up for Sunday. The Galaxy stage, home of techno at the UNTOLD festival, is ready for the biggest names in underground culture. The line-up by day is as follows: Thursday, August 3: Amber Bross, Amelie Lens, Ann Clue, Boris Brejcha, Kasia, Nusha, Sara Bluma. Friday, August 4: Bedouin, CamelPhat, Mathame, Sublee Saturday, August 5: Charlie, Mihigh, Priku Sunday, August 6: Dixon, Mahoni, Marco Carolo, Persic, Sit, Vizan ONE-DAY TICKETS AVAILABLE FROM MAY 29 A long-awaited moment for UNTOLD fans has arrived, as the organizers announce the daily line-up and put the first tickets for one day of the festival on sale. From today, those who want to have fun in the magical universe of one of the biggest festivals in the world, UNTOLD, have the possibility to register to purchase tickets for a day of the festival. Those who select the Day Ticket option can choose the day to enjoy the most beautiful festival experience, alongside their favorite artists and create thousands of memories. The first stage of ticket sales for one day at the UNTOLD festival will take place on Monday, May 29, at 12:00, at the price of 69 Euros + Taxes. The number of tickets for sale is limited, registration can be done starting today, May 25, by accessing: https://untold.com/register. The 2023 UNTOLD festival takes place from August 3 to 6 in Cluj-Napoca. The full line-up announced so far and subscriptions are available on untold.com.
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Ion Ionescu


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