Record de donatori de sânge în centrele din țară

Record de donatori de sânge în centrele din țară

Postat pe 08 Jan 2024

Update cu 7 luni în urmă

Timp de citire: 5 minute

Articol scris de: Maria Popescu

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Începând cu data de 1 ianuarie, costul tichetelor pentru donatorii de sânge a fost majorat de la 67 de lei la 280 de lei, ceea ce a dus la o creștere considerabilă a numărului de donatori în centrele din țară. Față de anul precedent, au fost înregistrate chiar și de 10 ori mai multe persoane interesate să doneze sânge în unele orașe din țară. Odată cu depășirea necesităților spitalelor în ceea ce privește stocurile de sânge, unele centre de transfuzie sanguină au anunțat că va fi necesar amânarea donatorilor. Spre exemplu, în Bistrița, în luna ianuarie, în mod normal, câțiva donatori se prezentau zilnic la Centrul de Transfuzie Sanguină. Anul acesta, numărul acestora a crescut cu aproape 10 ori. "Compared with the same period last year, when we had a maximum of 5 donors per day, this year it's full at our center. Usually, at the beginning of the year, people don't come to the center. On average, on a normal day, we have around 15 donors per day. In 2024, on the other hand, we had between 40 and 50 donors per day", explained Adina Beudean, director of the Bistrița Center for Blood Transfusion, to
For this reason, the medical institution has decided that on January 8 and 9, blood donation will be prohibited for donors with A II RH positive blood type. "The stock for these blood components currently exceeds the requirements", it says in the message displayed on the institution's door and on social media.
A similar situation is encountered in Sibiu, where the Blood Transfusion Center has decided to limit the number of donors to a maximum of 60 people per day. Priority is given to loyal donors, according to journalists from Sibiu Independent. "Due to the increased flow of donors during this period, in order to manage resources properly, we kindly ask you to follow our Facebook page, where we will post the need for blood by type. The number of donors will be restricted to a maximum of 60 per day and loyal donors will have priority. When the limit is reached, access to the file is stopped. Thank you for your understanding!", representatives of the Sibiu Blood Transfusion Center announced on social media. In Alba, at the beginning of the new year, the number of people willing to donate blood has exploded. As the capacity for collecting and storing blood has reached its limit, and has even been exceeded, representatives of the Blood Transfusion Center are sending a message to people: "Considering the fact that the number of blood donors increases daily, surpassing the capacity for collection, processing, testing and storage, the Alba Blood Transfusion Center will take the following measures starting January 8, 2024: for blood types with high stocks, the CTS Alba reserves the right to postpone blood donation for donors with such blood types, depending on the need. This information will be obtained from the file", announced representatives of the medical unit quoted by The value of blood donor tickets has quadrupled since January 1, 2024, from 9.75 lei to 40 lei. In total, a donor receives seven tickets, worth 280 lei.
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