Primarul Alexandriei: Chiria pentru mesele din piață rămâne neschimbată, dar s-a renunțat la un bonus

Primarul Alexandriei: Chiria pentru mesele din piață rămâne neschimbată, dar s-a renunțat la un bonus

Postat pe 22 Jan 2024

Update cu 7 luni în urmă

Timp de citire: 3 minute

Articol scris de: Andrei Miroslavescu

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AlexandruDrăgușin has made a decision that has caused a lot of discontent among the business agents in the Central Market. They are accusing the Mayor, Victor Drăgușin, of doubling the rent for tables and are asking him not to enforce the decision of the Local Council. In response to this, the traders refused to open their booths on Monday morning. Victor Drăgușin, the Mayor of Alexandria, denies the accusations and says that the rent has not been increased since 2013, but the 50% reduction for renting tables for a period of one month has been abolished. "It's not a price increase. The price has been the same since 2013. Only back then, a 50% reduction was granted for contracts signed for a month. Instead of paying 400 lei, the traders would only pay 200 lei. With the recent decision of the Local Council, that facility has been canceled," said Victor Drăgușin. According to him, he met with over 30 traders last week and explained the situation to them, as well as the reasons behind the decision. "During the meeting, I explained that I cannot choose not to enforce a decision of the Local Council. But we are still doing calculations and if we can offer a facility, we will. It could be a 3%, 5%, or even 10% discount, but definitely not 50%. In the meantime, all other fees have increased, such as water, garbage, and electricity. We cannot keep the same price while all other costs are rising," added the Mayor of Alexandria. Victor Drăgușin also stated that he wants to support the agricultural producers who were not able to benefit from the reduced rate because they rented the tables for shorter periods of time. On the other hand, they were often forced to sell their products on the outskirts of the market because business agents had rented more than two tables, some even having six tables, even if they didn't use them all daily.
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