Cioloș: Austria a detonat anunțul lui Ciolacu despre intrarea în Schengen

Cioloș: Austria a detonat anunțul lui Ciolacu despre intrarea în Schengen

Postat pe 29 Dec 2023

Update cu 5 luni în urmă

Timp de citire: 3 minute

Articol scris de: Cristina Preda

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The European MP Dacian Cioloș, former Prime Minister of Romania, has once again criticized Marcel Ciolacu for his "triumphant announcement" about Romania's accession to the Schengen Area for air and sea borders. Cioloș says that Austria "detonated" Ciolacu's announcement, after Austrian Interior Minister Gerhard Karner felt the need to "clarify" on Thursday that the agreement reached with Romania and Bulgaria does not mean full membership to the Schengen Area for the two countries, and that there is no timeline for this. "Dacian Cioloș, a European MP and former Prime Minister of Romania, has once again criticized Marcel Ciolacu for his "triumphant announcement" about Romania's accession to the Schengen Area for air and sea borders. Austria quickly rebuffed Ciolacu's statement, when Interior Minister Gerhard Karner clarified on Thursday that the agreement with Romania and Bulgaria does not mean immediate full membership to the Schengen Area for the two countries, and that there is no set timeline for this. Ciolacu must understand that his careless words can have serious consequences, not just for himself, but for the entire country. He must either take his responsibilities seriously or resign. Who will believe him when he makes future statements? Who will take him seriously after such public humiliation when he tries to negotiate for Romania? One of the basic rules of negotiating at this level is that "nothing is agreed until everything is agreed". When one is not directly involved in negotiations and there is no final agreement, it is better to remain silent in order not to sabotage the work of those trying to resolve the difficult situation that Romania has found itself in due to Austrian cynicism. Romania needs a mature political leader who understands that the position he occupies is not a prize, but a great responsibility. When you speak, you do so on behalf of a nation, on behalf of Romania and its people, who have the right to be treated with respect and dignity. Marcel Ciolacu is playing with Romania's credibility and the hopes of its people.
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